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Chuck key holder Tecno Piu CKH-S

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Article Code CKH-S

Maker Tecno Piu Weight
Model CKH-S Size
Ser. No Condition 10/10
Year Delivery Code


Device that allows you to safely store the lathe spindle key.
Attachable to the machine body. Equipped with a housing for the spindle key and a sensor that prevents the lathe motor from starting when the key is not inserted. Also provided with an emergency stop mushroom and key absence indicator light. The device comes complete with a universal housing bushing (max Ø27 mm). Unlike the previous version, the spindle key is detected by an inductive sensor.

Hole pattern mounting plate (C/C): 66x101 mm

Adjust. overhang fr. machine body: 206-272 mm (66 mm)

Power supply: 24 Vdc

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